Welcome to the MorackLab
“Satisfaction of one's curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life."
-Linus Pauling
As a newly established team of passionate organic chemists at the Ruprecht Karl University of Heidelberg we aim to reshape the small molecule synthesis landscape through exploration of new catalysis concepts and the innovative use of abundant materials.
10/01/25: Congratulations to Paul and Iris for submitting the first two Master's theses of the group. Amazing work and looking forward to welcoming you back soon!
01/10/24: Finn starts his Master's thesis in the group and Mayu joins us for a research internship! Great to have you and have a good time in the group.
08/07/24: Iris starts her Master's thesis in the group! Good luck with your chemistry and we are looking forward to working together.
21/05/24: We welcome Paul as the groups first (Master) student. Happy to have you and all the best for your chemistry!
01/02/24: The MorackLab officially starts at the Institute of Organic Chemistry in Heidelberg.
We acknowledge generous financial support
present and past